JBLM Alternative Fuel Facility

JBLM-Lewis Main, WA




Civil Engineering

Structural Engineering


New alternative fuel facility on 4.6 acre site

Delivered via design/build

Sustainable stormwater management techniques include rain gardens, a bio-infiltration pond, and drought-tolerant plantings

New sustainable alternative fuel facility at JBLM.

This project involved the construction of an Alternative Fueling Facility with all the necessary site improvements, controls, lighting, storage, stormwater conveyance, and dispensing equipment for a fully functional facility.

The Alternate Fuel Facility includes a refueling island with a canopy covering 6 fuel pumps with Ethanol and Bio-Diesel. Two pumps for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) are located at the southwest corner of the site. The CNG station was designed with one pump for cars and one to accommodate buses. The project also includes Underground Fuel Storage Tank Vaults, 17,000 sf of paving, and a 900 sf landscape island.

AHBL’s landscape design services comprised of a planting and irrigation design for the entire 4.6 acre site, which included a rain garden, bio-infiltration pond, and landscape islands while utilizing drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plant material selected from the JBLM approved plant species list.

The civil design included a catch basin and conveyance pipe to collect onsite runoff from the refueling island and paving. The conveyance pipe connects to a stub which discharges to an oil & water separator prior to discharge to a Bio-Infiltration pond. The proposed paving east of the refueling island will sheet flow to offsite paving and storm system that discharges to a rain garden.

Structural services consisted of reviewing the 4,450 sf pre-engineered metal refueling island canopy design.