Municipal Planning
Community Planning
LID guidance
Educational outreach
Case studies
The Yakima Regional Low Impact Development (LID) Stormwater Design Manual (Manual) provides technical guidance for design of LID Best Management Practices (BMP) throughout the region. Our team prepared the Manual in concert with stakeholders throughout Yakima County as well as interested participants from the Tri-Cities and Spokane. Work involved preparing the content of the Manual, conceiving and modeling a series of "case studies," and working with stakeholders by soliciting public opinion, responding to comments on draft materials, and introducing the final Manual in conference/workshop settings.
The Manual includes five chapters that address a range of LID topics. The Manual outlines the steps necessary to conduct a proper LID site assessment and analysis; explores site design and layout at a variety of scales from rural, large lot sites to dense urban settings; and provides guidance for non-structural BMPs.
To view the Manual, click here.