Top 4 Bikeways

Tacoma, WA




Civil Engineering

Community Planning

Land Surveying


13 miles of bikeways and pedestrian improvements

10 blocks of pavement restoration

Intersection improvements at 9 locations, including 58 curb ramps

Designed to APWA/WSDOT standards

13 Miles of bike lanes provide safe routes through commercial & residential areas.

AHBL led the multidisciplinary team, for the development of 13 miles of bikeways along existing roadways that connect multiple existing bicycle routes throughout the City of Tacoma. The project is part of the build-out for the City’s overall award-winning Mobility Master Plan. The route, which is the longest contiguous route in the city, consists of three miles of bike lanes and approximately 10.5 miles of bike boulevards, also known as neighborhood greenways, where motorized and non-motorized vehicles share the roadway on low volume and low speed residential roads.

The first phase was designed and constructed in 2011 and included pavement markings and regulatory signage for the highest priority five miles. In 2012, AHBL completed design for the remaining neighborhood greenways, bike lanes, wayfinding, traffic calming, 1 block of pavement restoration, and 7 intersection improvements. The intersection upgrades consisted of a combination of new ADA ramps, crosswalks, flashing beacons, and pedestrian refuge islands to accommodate safer crossings for both non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians.

The City of Tacoma received additional grant funding in 2012 which expanded the project to include the design of approximately 8 blocks of grind and overlay pavement restoration; 4 blocks of pavement restoration involving removal and rebuilding of the full pavement section; and 7 additional intersections to receive paving restoration and/or ADA ramp upgrades. Phase 2 was completed in 2014.