East Valley Highway Resurfacing

Sumner, WA




Civil Engineering

Land Surveying


Roadway resurfacing

Repair of pavement failures

Drainage improvements

This project is funded by a grant through the Puget Sound Regional Council Transportation Improvement Program with matching funds from the Cities of Sumner and Auburn.

This resurfacing project consisted of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) overlay of 0.30 foot compacted depth, extending from the north side of the Salmon Creek bridge to the Pierce County line. This also included the repair of pavement failures and planing of paving transitions into existing asphalt concrete pavement, as well as, the repair of subgrade failures, placement of geotextile fabric, widening to accommodate paved shoulders, and planing of paving transitions into existing asphalt concrete pavement. Drainage improvements included the installation of approximately 350 feet of underground drainage, including catch basins to convey water to the existing bypass pipe.