Eastside Catholic High School

Sammamish, WA




New school

Low Impact Development

Constructed wetlands

Underground detention vaults

Synthetic Football/Soccer field

This new 200,000 sf school accommodates an increase in capacity from 480 students to 1,000 students.

The 48-acre site is constrained by environmentally sensitive areas and steep topography, requiring innovative techniques to achieve the project goals. Sensitive areas on site include Class I and II wetlands, a stream, and steep slopes. The site drains to a tributary of Lake Sammamish. Development of the site required the highest level of water quality and runoff control required by King County. The stormwater systems include constructed wetlands, and, due to limited site development area, underground detention vaults.

The school is designed to nest into the hillside, similar to an Italian hill town. Limited vehicular access and parking surrounds the school. Student parking is terraced, and pedestrian walkways and stream crossings allow access to the school. Design work also included a baseball field and two practice fields; and courtyards. In addition, AHBL planners assisted the school with permitting, including a conditional use permit and all other related issues. AHBL land surveyors were retained to provide additional surveying services.