Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Services

Edgewood, WA


Municipal Planning


Community Planning


New development & design standards

Development & design standards emphasize energy efficiency and sustainability

Public involvement

AHBL worked with the City of Edgewood to provide new development and design standards for mixed-use, commercial and multifamily zones in the City.

The work included a substantial public involvement component, including workshops with citizens and property owners, as well as assistance with review by the Planning Commission and City Council. AHBL provided numerous graphics and photos to demonstrate how density can be designed in a way that is compatible with the City’s character. The project included a significant increase in building height and density, as well as broadening the range of allowed uses in mixed-use zones. Greater emphasis was placed on pedestrian oriented development and the building-street relationship, particularly in the Town Center Zone. Design standards provided flexibility, choice and a “two-track” approach with both prescriptive options for compliance and the ability for applicants to demonstrate consistency with the stated intent of a standard through alternative means. Graphics and photos clearly convey standards, and the code is written in a very concise style that emphasizes tables with key information and an organization that is easy to follow. The development and design standards also included an emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability and were adopted with broad support from both the City Council and stakeholders.