
Celebrating National Surveyors Week

In 1984, Ronald Reagan proclaimed the third full week in March as National Surveyors Week, to pay tribute to professional surveyors and their contribution to society. In 2021, this celebration takes place March 21-27.  

Surveyors conduct invaluable services to the public, utilizing a unique and diverse set of skills. Professional land surveyors are trained to use a detailed knowledge of math, engineering, physics, laws and various tools to establish topography, construction locations and property lines. Surveyors work closely with architects, engineers or local authorities on a variety of project types. Nearly every construction project requires a surveyor, with their eye for detail and analytical mind.  

The history of land surveying dates back to at least 2700 BC as the ancient Egyptians were building the Great Pyramid of Giza. Surveying has been integral to the advancement of civilization throughout the years. George Washington, in addition to being a founder of the United States, was a surveyor in the state of Virginia. George Washington studied surveying and geometry, and eventually went on to survey most of northern Virigina.   

The tools and technologies used by surveying professionals have changed throughout the years, but the purpose and practice remain integral to the function of the country. Today's surveyors use sophisticated field equipment including Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine locations and boundaries. Advanced technologies are constantly emerging in the industry, as drones and satellite imagery tools are being used in unique and innovative ways.  

Due to the on-site nature of this work, a day in the life of a land surveyor can look different from day to day.  Often this includes an early morning loading up gear, and walking or standing on site for several hours to take the necessary readings. Afterwards, they return to the office to draft plans and map measurements collected in the field.  

The planning, construction and maintenance of infrastructure in the United States will require a constant supply of qualified land surveyors. This week, honor National Surveyors Week by learning more about Land Surveying and follow along on social media with #NationalSurveyorsWeek.  

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